Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
Skin Pen Micro-needling Treatment

All treatment plans start with an aesthetic consultation and
include a complementary post-treatment review.


Discover PRP Therapy

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also known as The Vampire Facelift®, harnesses the body’s own healing powers to stimulate new tissue growth, giving your skin a healthy, more youthful appearance.

  • A small amount of the patients own blood is taken and the plasma is then separated out from the rest of the blood, by means of a centrifuge to create the platelet rich plasma. This plasma is then injected into the area of concern where the platelets release their growth factors.

  • PRP improves skin texture and tone and regenerates collagen, helping reduce wrinkles and lines, tackle blemishes, improve scarring and restore a healthy, youthful glow

What does PRP Therapy involve?


During the consultation we will discuss your specific concerns and expectations and explain to you any risks that come with the treatment. After a consultation a light numbing cream will be applied to the injection site, for 30 minutes for added comfort. During this time a small 10ml sample of your blood will be drawn from your arm. This will be spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the whole blood cells, creating your own Platelet Rich Plasma.


Once the numbing cream has taken effect your own platelet rich plasma is re-injected using a very fine, sterile needle. Multiple injections are required to give an over-all improvement to the area of concern.


Some bruising, swelling and redness are common immediately following the procedure. Most side effects should resolve within a few days and most people feel confident enough to return to work the next day. The results of PRP therapy are gradually visible beginning several weeks after your first treatment, as collagen production increases.

Your Questions Answered

  • Commonly treated areas include around the eyes, the jaw line, cheeks forehead, nasolabial lines, marionette lines and neck.

  • When the PRP is re-injected into the skin, growth factors are released by the platelets. This promotes healing and stimulates collagen production. Collagen, found naturally in the body, is the foundation of a youthful appearance. During the aging process less collagen is produced resulting in decreased volume, lines and wrinkles. Through stimulating collagen production, PRP helps to promote even skin tone, reduced scarring, improved skin texture resulting in healthy, resilient, hydrated skin.

  • Plasma is the clear liquid part of the blood remaining once all other cellular components are removed. Plasma carries out many functions in the body including fighting diseases, healing and hydration. During PRP treatment the plasma is used to suspend a high concentration of your own platelets.

  • Platelets are small cells in the blood that contain a high number of growth factors which help to heal injured tissue or damaged skin. Platelets are required for blood clotting.

  • PRP improves skin texture and tone and regenerates collagen which helps reduce wrinkles and lines, improve skin texture around the delicate eye area, tackle blemishes, improve scarring and restore a healthy glow.

Facial aesthetic consultation

Everyone has a different skin type so we offer facial aesthetic consultations where we can talk through which treatments would deliver the best results for your skin. These consultations are ideal opportunities for us to come up with a treatment plan that will work best. To arrange a consultation, simply get in touch.

If you book a treatment plan with us the consultation fee is credited against the cost of the plan.

30 mins · £35


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Simply put, a PRP facial uses your own blood’s platelets and plasma on your face. The natural chemicals in your own PRP are slathered onto your face and then micro-needled into the skin during a short procedure. Once the plasma is in, it begins to do its work of rejuvenating your entire face, tightening wrinkled areas, and smoothing the overall look. It’s able to do that because PRP’s essential chemical components stimulate collagen growth.

Some people opt to have just one facial while others undergo a regular series of procedures. The more often you have a PRP facial, the longer the results of each treatment will last, which is about three to six months.

Ideal for ideal for: acne scarring, sun damage, dull skin tone, fine lines & wrinkles, crows feet and dark circles.

Pricing starts at £450.


Facial Aesthetic - Post Treatment Consultation

We offer a free post treatment consultation which can be done in person or via a video call if requested. This consultation is normally scheduled within 2 weeks of the treatment. The effects of the treatment will start to be visible about 4 to 7 days after the injections, and the result will last for about three months. During your post-treatment consultation the doctor can check that you are happy with the results and that the treatment has worked as you expected. If necessary, a free top-up treatment can also be given at this follow up appointment.


Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's her aesthetician.